Within the halls of American Christianity, there are as many opinions on what is acceptable behavior as there are church buildings. For some, any music with a syncopated beat is evil, while to others, death metal with God honoring lyrics is sacred. Unfortunately, our convictions, many times, have more to do with what is acceptable to us than God. For instance, I happen to like Metal music, so to me, Christian metal is not only a liberty but a major component of my Christian expression. I do not like top 40 music, therefore, I am quick to criticize much of what is played on Christian radio. Does my taste dictate the divinity of a style of one type of music over another? In my corrupt heart it does, until I allow the Spirit of God to heal me of my self righteousness. (By healing, I mean convicting my heart and leading me to repentance)
Great disputes continue to erupt concerning topics such as tattoos, piercings, women wearing pants and Harry Potter. When your liberty crosses my conviction, you are a heretic. When your conviction crosses my liberty, you are legalistic. This is the way of the modern Christian life. How do we reconcile your liberty and my convictions - and vice versa?
As always, the answer is found in scripture. In order to answer the age old question: "is it ok if I...?" Romans 14 deals with Christian liberty and how it affects those around us. The last half of the last verse of Romans 14 should settle many arguments and should also take much of the guess work out of deciding what is ok for a Christian to do: Romans 14:23b For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. The bottom line is - when in doubt, don't do it.
If you want a tattoo, for instance, pray about it and wait to hear from God. Not everything is for everybody and what God allows in my life, He may not allow in yours. We are all called to serve according to a God ordained design. Your design and mine may look quite differently because the ministry to which we are called is different.
Be very careful that your liberty does not cause a fellow believer to stumble and be very careful to not allow your convictions to condemn a brother or sister. What the Bible condemns as sin, condemn, but remember, not everything you do not like is sin.
Now, go live like Christ and give the devil hell!
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