The men's Sunday School group I attend has been studying through the Beatitudes, also known as Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew chapters 5-7. We have studied about a third of the way through and have come to the realization: NO ONE COULD ACTUALLY DO ALL THIS! So, why would Jesus tell us all this stuff to do and not to do, when He knew we could never do it?
Actually, Scripture is filled with commands and rules that God gave us knowing we could never obey completely. Now, I know that many are reading this and thinking about some of the Beatitudinal sayings you have memorized and some may actually be thinking: "I do a pretty good job living by the teachings of Jesus." Well before you get too excited, allow me to draw your attention to: Matthew 5:48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Ok, now that we are on the same page, lets see why Jesus would give out a sermon filled with commands that could not be kept?
If you study Matthew, you see 3 major sections:
1. Jesus offers the Kingdom
2. The leaders of Israel reject the Kingdom on behalf of the people
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3. Jesus begins to speak of His death and His other sheep (Gentiles)
I submit to you that Jesus offered the Kingdom in good faith knowing it would be rejected so He could go to the cross, which was always the Plan. I also submit to you that Jesus revealed to us God's impossibly high standards of living in the Kingdom so we would realize our need for His grace.
This give us hope today, when we face difficult or even impossible circumstances. We do not have the resources, the power, or the wisdom required to do all God allows in our lives, He does, however. The Beatitudes then serve as a reminder to us of what Jesus once told His disciples: "What is impossible with man is possible with God."
So, if it is impossible for me to be perfect as God is perfect, I must rely on Jesus' perfection to give me good standing with God. Likewise, when I face other impossible situation, I must rely on Jesus' promises and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside me. This does not mean everything will always go my way because I am still human and my ways are not always God's ways, but it does mean I will always have all the resources I need to get through every situation in a way that will bring Glory to God, so long as I trust Him. My "I Can't" is God's "I will."
Knowing God is able to overcome our impossibles, what can we not face standing with God? In light of this, go in faith, trust God for the impossible, rely on Him for provision and stand firm in His promises.
Now, go live as Christ... and give the devil hell!
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