Monday, February 19, 2018


 Today, I published my first short story and chose to use Kindle self publishing.  I weighed out my options and this seemed to be the best way to ease into the world of writing for profit. I am not expecting to get rich or sell a ton of copies, but I am expecting to learn from the experience.  I am now a published author! check out my first short story on Kindle and Amazon:

The whole project is over 3,000 words, about right for a short story, and took about two months from start to finish.  I do not have much spare time, so writing was done in 10-20 minute increments. This caused me to have to re-read my work constantly in order to keep continuity.  After several edits, I sat on the completed manuscript for a week or so, praying about a publishing platform. 

I spoke to a co-worker who published his first novel on Kindle, about a year ago. He earned enough to purchase a new car.  I will be happy to earn enough to motivate me to write another story!  

I looked at some of the big Christian publishers and was quickly discouraged with the process.  Unless you are writing a text book or commentary, you pretty much have to hire an agent to shop publishers for you.  Hiring an agent for a short story did not seem to be very wise, so I took my co-worker's advice and self published on Kindle.

The process was easy and relatively quick, from setting up a new account to submitting the manuscript, I spent maybe 3 hours.  In less than  24 hours, my story was up for sale.  

Whether you are a new writer, or have some completed manuscripts, I encourage you to try this platform.  As far as promotion goes, hit social media. I posted on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.  This is all free publicity and if you can get a few people to like and share your link, all the better.

Well, if you get the chance, go check out my story on Kindle, it's only 99 cents!

If you are an aspiring writer, you have nothing to lose, head over to Kindle and get published!

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