Thursday, January 10, 2019


Matthew 16:24  Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 

      What did Jesus mean when he gave the command to deny self, pick up your cross and follow?  It's hard to know, looking at the condition of what passes itself off for Christianity in America.  It may be hard to tell by what passes itself off as Christianity in my own life, sometimes.... maybe, a lot of the time.  Have we become a church of Solomons?  Do we have all the wisdom and resources of God and fail to honor Him with what He has given because we are erecting monuments, amassing wealth and indulging our sexual whims?

          God has blessed the American church with almost unlimited resources and we, like King Solomon, squander what God has given on the indulgence of the flesh and monuments to self, bigger houses, nicer cars, fancier church buildings etc. There is little we deny ourselves, if we are truly honest.  

            Our entertainment, alone, would have made a demon blush in past generations, yet we find no problem being entertained by things God calls an abomination. We have no problem allowing our children to indulge in sin as a right of passage because they may have reached some magical age where suddenly exposure to or participation in sin is somehow acceptable and no longer destructive.

           Oh, we know all the right things to say and we give great advice and counsel but our behavior does not match our words.  Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs. Solomon imparted wisdom to his son, in the hopes his son would live an upright and honest life, honoring to God.  Solomon, however, showed his son a very different example than what was written. Solomon built monuments and palaces for himself and his glory.  Solomon amassed great wealth to his glory.  Solomon collected women like a child collects bottle caps. 

              Solomon's son was far more influenced by his dad's behavior than anything his dad ever wrote or said. We know this by reading the account of Rehoboam's first days as king of Israel.  In 
1 Kings chapter 12, we see Rehoboam blow his first big test as king, which resulted in his losing more than half his kingdom.  

           We tend to glamorize King Solomon and his exploits. We admire him for his great wealth and how he used it.  We do not realize the destructive heritage King Solomon's lifestyle wrought on his children.  Solomon spoke like a prophet, yet, he lived as if there were no God to whom he must answer. The book of Ecclesiastes chronicles why Solomon is not a man to be revered nor emulated.  

             So, what exactly did Jesus mean when he said we must deny self, pick up our cross and follow Him?

Let's look at each piece separately first and then put it all together:

1. Deny self

         To deny self is to recognize not all things we feel or desire are good for us. Proverbs 14:12  There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death

           Do you pretty much do whatever you feel?  Solomon denied himself nothing and instead of finding satisfaction he only found himself wanting more.  To deny self also goes beyond simply avoiding obviously sinful practice but actually allows you to find sufficiency in God by removing distractions from your life.  Denying your impulses and urges, denying yourself through fasting and denying yourself indulgences allows you to move from seeking satisfaction in things superficial and temporary to finding sufficiency in God who is the same today, yesterday and forever.

God has set parameters in order to protect us. God's commands are a protective fence, not a prison yard.  

2. Pick up your cross

     This is probably one of the most misunderstood passages of scripture.  So often people speak of hardship as "my cross to bear".  This is not speaking of hardship. The cross represents purpose.

Jeremiah 1:5  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” 

  Jesus recognized His purpose was to bear the cross.  When we are told to pick up our cross, we are being instructed by God to get busy serving according to our design.  God made you with specific talents and a place in the Body of Christ, the church.  Just like a human body, if members do not function properly, the whole body is mal-affected.  You were not designed to merely sit in church for an hour per week, you were designed with purpose and have a ministry tailored to your design.  

True fulfillment of life is found in serving according to your purpose and design

3. Follow Jesus

     Following Jesus means recognizing His voice, obeying what you hear and doing what He did.  

John 10:27  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  

Following Christ may not lead you where you expected, or maybe even where you wanted to go, but He will lead to a path marked with peace and joy.  The path may be difficult and, at times, treacherous, but as the Psalmist wrote, "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me."  

Following also means not running off on your own and trying to do ministry under your own power.  Follow God's lead and you can be assured you are right where He wants you, even when things seem difficult

Putting it all together

  When we take all the components of self denial, acting according to our purpose and following God's lead we will begin to see God's power manifest in our lives like never before.  Do you feel as if your life is adrift and unsatisfying?  It is because you are pursuing self rather than pursuing God's best for you.  

Solomon lamented a wasted life and realized at the end the purpose of our existence is to honor God and obey His commands.  By the time Solomon realized this, the damage to his son was done.  Do not allow the lie of the enemy or the urges of your flesh rob from you and the ones you love.  Do not be a Solomonite.

Now, go live as Christ... and give the devil hell!



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