Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Here we are in the midst of Pride month 2024 and I cannot help but to reflect on how we got here:

First we were asked to tolerate alternate sexual lifestyles and many in the church said, "amen", we will no longer call sin sin, instead, we will say, "live and let live.  As long as homosexuals did not try to impose their sin on us - it's all good."

Not long thereafter, tolerance was no longer enough. We were asked to be accepting. Tolerance still assumed homosexuality was not normal so we were asked to view homosexuality as a  something acceptable, after all, "you can't help who you love."  Once again, many in the church said, "amen".  

Soon, mere acceptance was no longer tenable, the radicals demanded affirmation. Many in the church said, "amen" and churches began to ordain openly gay clergy and bless gay unions until a rogue Supreme Court ruling made homosexual marriage the law of the land.

Today, we are commanded by a reprobate society to celebrate sin. Pride, once considered one of the seven deadly sins, is now, somehow, a virtue.

Suddenly, refusing to celebrate something God calls sin became hate. Under the same banner of sexual freedom, we were now forced, as a culture, to accommodate mental illness by affirming transmania. You can now lose your job by referring to someone by the wrong pronouns, and if the radicals in Congress have their way, prosecution will be right around the corner.

The next move in the name of woke ideology is the normalization of pedophilia. The term Minor Attracted Person (MAP) will become more and more bandied about until anyone with common sense is too afraid to speak out in defense of children.  

We now live in a reality where those who, once upon a time, demanded tolerance are leading the charge against anyone with an opposing viewpoint. So much for tolerance...

What is the solution?

First, I think it begins with repentance on the part of God's people.

     1. Repentance for allowing our hate for sin to be an excuse to hate people. It does not matter what sin someone is caught up in, Jesus died for every sin and God desires every person be saved. Personal attacks, name calling and violence are counterproductive to the Great Commission and just as abhorrent as the sin being targeted by such behavior.

    2. Repentance for not lovingly calling sin sin. God fearing people must understand love. Love is not tolerating something God calls sin. Sexual sin, whether it be homo or hetero, is destructive to the person who commits it, as is all sin. When we chose to ignore sin in the name of tolerance, we began to do a grave injustice to those who are caught in Satan's web

    3. Repentance for being afraid to speak out. I firmly believe a silent majority has been silenced by a very vocal and very influential minority. Our silenced has marginalized us.

Scripture tells us, Proverbs 16:18 - Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. In this passage is a warning to both sides of this issue. Pride is the original sin, there is no question where the root of the Pride movement comes from. Satan brings bondage through pseudo-freedom.  

The warning for God's people in this passage is to beware the dangers of self righteousness.  We cannot choose to demonize one form of sexual sin outside the church while turning a blind eye to adultery and fornication taking place in the church. 

As believers in Christ, we commit injustice when we ignore and tolerate sexual sin, of any kind. 

As a nation that celebrates sin as virtue, America is in grave danger of God's judgment. We must pray for change in leadership at every level of government and remain vigilant as gatekeepers at our local levels. 

Our country needs a Great Awakening before it is too late and God's judgment comes Sodom and Gomorrah style!

Sadly, we are entering an era where the same tolerance demanded of us will not be extended to us because Satan cannot tolerate truth.