Thursday, July 12, 2018


   Have you ever been attacked online for taking a stand for or against something?    Have you been less than gracious towards someone online, with whom you disagreed?

  If you have any kind of social media or online presence, you know the internet can be a pretty brutal playground.  Our nation seems to be divided, just about 50/50, on any given topic, from gun control to abortion, from gay marriage to capital punishment. No matter the position you take on any social issue, you risk invoking the wrath of half the population!  The quickest way to pump up your online presence is to post your opinion on a controversial topic.  You can easily set off a firestorm of comments from those passionate on both sides. 

     While chances are good, the majority of people you are friends with or who follow you on social media agree with you on most issues, you cannot please all of the people all of the time.  Even within your friend group, certain topics can garner controversy.  Currently, anything Donald Trump is sure to spark a furor!

     I enjoy reading a good rant as much as the next guy, and I must confess, when comments go rogue on a friend's post, I do read through the chain of verbal sparring.  Stepping  back, however, I must ask, "what is the fruit in public online debate?"  Does anyone really win?  

     Hiding behind the anonymity of an avatar or screen name engenders a boldness many would lack in a face to face exchange.  Does anonymity permit incivility or does it simply provide cover?   Permit me to share my opinion here - whether you are posting as an online persona or as yourself, you are representing who you truly are by what you post. 

    It is easy to get dragged into an online debate where words get ugly.  One must remember, however, the internet is not a virtual reality world where our words have no consequence or impact. The person you are debating, insulting, or behaving rudely toward is an actual human to whom you would probably behave far more civilly toward if you were face to face.  An actual person for whom Christ died...   

      One of the most tragic exchanges I witness online is when a person who posts Bible verses or statements professing a love for Jesus proceeds to post hate filled rhetoric and vitriol toward a group with which he disagrees.  What happened to the command to love our enemies?  And then, when someone dares to disagree with what is posted... whoo whee, watch the fur fly!  So much for bless those who hate you and turn the other cheek.  

        If you are a believer in Christ, filter what you post and comment on through the same filter you use when you are at church.  If you disagree with something the pastor says, you would not stand up in church and confront or correct him in front of everyone. You would take it up privately.  If you have a problem with someone's post and feel led by the motivation of love to respond, private message or be really innovative and actually speak to them. 

        I am ashamed to admit, I have, a time or two, engaged in less than loving behavior on a message board and even on Facebook.  Lessons learned... hopefully. Last year I posted on the effects of our posts on our testimony  Being careful of how we respond to other's posts is just as important.

         Being passionate about and standing for truth are noble things, lashing out at others with anger and vehemence is the least effective way to present your case.  Once you lose your temper, once you lash out or attack, you lose. It is far greater to be correct than to be right!  If you cannot make your case calmly and peacefully, you probably have no case. 
When we engage in a war of words online, the only winner is Satan

         If God's people cannot get along on social media, what kind of message are we sending the lost?  When God's people spew hate and ridicule on social media, God is grossly misrepresented.  Remember what happened to Moses when he misrepresented God.  Do not allow your passions to override your faith and commitment to love one another. Don't be just another bully on the social media playground.  

Now, go live as Christ... and give the devil hell!

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