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A marked up Bible is a good thing |
Barna Group , 88% of Americans own a Bible, 80% believe the Bible is sacred and 61% wish they read the Bible more. America loves the Bible but, apparently, America does not read the Bible.
Are you one of the 61% of Americans who wish you read your Bible more? Almost 75% of Americans claim faith in God, yet, only 11% claim to have read the whole Bible. In fact, according to ReligionNews.com , only 15% claim to have read more than half. How can such an important book, held in such high regard, and found in almost every home in America be so neglected?
I have read through the Bible, numerous times, and I never fail to learn something new about history, God and myself. I believe the Bible is the infallible word of God and is indispensable to anyone who claims faith in Christ.
In 2013, the History Channel aired The Bible, which was the number one non sport entertainment program of the year, according to Nielsen research. Obviously, there is interest in the Bible, yet most do not find time to read it.
I would imagine the number one reason people do not read the Bible is because they do not have time. I submit to you, you have time for what is important. How often do you miss dinner because you are simply too busy to eat? How often do you miss your favorite television show because you didn't have time to watch it? Not very often, I bet! We schedule time for all we deem important.
#ThroughTheBible project
In order to encourage meaningful Bible reading, I am initiating the #ThroughTheBible project. The goal is to encourage believers to read through the Bible and Tweet what they learn. If you have been a believer for more than 5 seconds, this is for you.
How it work:
Whether you are a Bible Scholar or a brand new believer, you can participate in the #ThroughTheBible project.
1. Pick a book of the Bible - you do not have to start in Genesis - and read through it.
2. As you read through each chapter, Tweet what you learn, discover or remember and include the hashtag #ThroughTheBible
3. Eventually read through the Bible
The purpose:
1. To encourage regular Bible reading
2. To increase Bible literacy
3. To encourage thoughtful reflection on God's word
4. To help encourage community
Why the hashtag
The hashtag is designed to encourage the maximum amount of participation. As more join in, others will be encouraged to join and/or stick with it. Also, it encourages the reader to not only pay attention to what is being read, but to expect to hear from God through His word.
The Bible is so much more than a book of history or old sayings. Scripture is alive: Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
If you are on Twitter, simply search #ThroughTheBible and click latest. You will be able to see what others have written and you can add to the party by writing your thoughts with the hashtag. Be sure to follow me and I promise to follow back as well. https://twitter.com/RealPaulAhnert
God commands us to read His word. If we are not, at least, doing that (and praying regularly), why would God reveal more of His will to us? 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Now, go live as Christ... and give the devil hell!!